
Giving Glory…

I’ve been thinking about the phrase, ‘giving God the glory’. What does this mean? How is this displayed? Do we only give lip service to this? Or, is it a conscious understanding that we do give the glory to God – at the moment? Granted each of us has to answer these questions for ourselves, […]

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I may have taken a right when I should have continued straight ahead, but I got intrigued with the word – devotional. Do we really know what it means? Do we know how to ‘do’ it? So I did a bit of a deep dive. Most of the scriptural references on this word are found

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Important? What is redemption and do you think about this very often? Actually… are you? Redeemed is more than freedom from what has been. I could be completely wrong, but… I also look at it as an invitation into what can be. defines redeem, redeemed, redemption as: “adjective – Theology. (in Christianity)having been saved

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The Lord and me

If you think this is going to be another discussion on relationship… you’re right! Then again, I’m not certain that we ever stop learning about relationship(s) because they are always growing…… or if not, then they are atrophying and do you really desire a relationship with the Lord that’s atrophying???!!! Do you know how you

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Would you say you are a devoted person? To what? Are there many… or few things, people that are the focus of your devotion? How do you express your devotion? Would anyone know? Let’s start simple – how do you define ‘devotion’? I probably should ask if you have operationalized your definition. Is there (what

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“But a time is coming and is already here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [from the heart, the inner self] and in truth; for the Father seeks such people to be His worshipers.” [John 4:23. AMP] Have you discovered worship? To me, it’s different than praise and both are critical

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Now … NO!

I found it interesting that the ‘Title’ of Romans 8 is stated as: Escape from Bondage in the AMP, The Solution is Life on God’s terms in the MSG, Life in the Spirit in the TLV and ESV, Deliverance from Bondage in the NASP , and Free from Indwelling Sin in the NKJV. Escape, Life,

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Doing our living

Over the past 10 years, I’ve written on ‘Journey’ 5 times, the last time in January of this year. One could suspect that I like journeys (absolutely) and/or that I enjoy contemplating journeying (indisputably). Besides, there’s so many aspects and manifestations to the word: preparation, your position (planner, passenger, etc.). Which brings up an ‘aside’…

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
