

[Writer’s note: Discussing ‘judgment’ is a bit presumptuous since countless books have been written. This is only a beginning discussion, an introduction. For many believers, it’s one study they really don’t want to begin. But there is wonderful news. Yes we all face Judgment, and No it won’t be devastating… except when we realize the […]

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And God answered

How many times in scripture has ‘God answered’? Innumerable. Do you recall ANY instance of Him not responding to a prayer, a request, a question… anything? Obviously I believe He always responds. Could the problem be that we haven’t always been alert, listening to the answer? Or, maybe the answer isn’t the one we want?

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Do you know the definition? Do you know what it means? More important… do you know how it applies to you? Webster’s definition says: “not possible to revoke”. Well, that’s not helpful, is it? Synonyms: irreplaceable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreversible… this I interpret to mean a done deal, can’t and won’t be undone. Thankfully, scripture gives

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I believe I’ve finally developed a definition that is simple, accurate, and easily understood concerning… Disobedient: anytime we act (including speak) contrary to what we KNOW the Lord wants us to do, say. I think that there really isn’t unthinking disobedience. And yet, we may not be aware of the fallout and ramifications from our

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Actually, do you go into your day consciously equipped? Do you make certain you have all the resources you need to do your day? Frivolous questions? Hardly! Assuming of course that your goal for the day is to be fruitful, fulfilled, and effective. Yes, I know… you don’t have time for all the prep work

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
