

A hiccup, in my world of definitions, is something that occurs that is unexpected and, typically, unwelcome but is not a major disaster. It could have occurred ‘out of the blue’ but may or may not have resulted from something you did or failed to do. Yet… it still was an event that got you ‘off’ […]

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At hand

If you ever bemoan – ‘I don’t know what to do or say…’ then look to your heart for words and what’s at your hand for actions. Too simplistic? Possibly but do we try to complicate something that is obvious… even if it is simple? Who said that everything the Lord wants us to do

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Are you the 100% type? If you are involved… are you ‘fully’ committed? Do you attempt to do all that you can… or do you hold something in reserve? Reserve for what? When I was growing up, my Mother was fond of saying… ‘whatever is worth doing, it’s worth doing well…’. Do I always follow this?

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Have you ever hedged the truth or not fully responding to avoid lying because you thought the other person would/might be offended by your expression? A lot? Could you be incorrect about the other person… just not willing to risk it? But, have you ever considered that your action(s) was a denial l of you? Dare I say

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I was sitting in the (eye) doctor’s chair waiting for him to return for the end of the annual exam. Somehow my mind wandered to age and old… probably because my glasses were going to be changed. Are you old? You do realize, of course, that old is defined by the individual. I’ve met people

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If ever there was a subject that most people do not want to discuss, it is death – the inevitable end for all of us… unless Jesus comes first. However, ‘end’ is not the proper understanding. Randy Alcorn in his book, Heaven, states: “Most people live unprepared for death.” Why do we do this? Because

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