
Dumbing down

Is this what you seek? Do you want to live a dumbing down life? Low to nonexistent stress and challenges? Is your life sooo full (to overflowing) that non-stress is a high value and you’d accept dumbing down over truth, over pushing your self developed boundaries, over…?Yes, that did sound harsh. Somehow the mid January through

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What/How do you understand the definition of this work to mean? Actually, what picture is painted in your mind when the word is used? Webster defines it as: “… to lapse morally, to revert to a worse condition; … a person who has sunk below the normal moral standard.” The synonyms are degenerate, decadent, libertine,

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The Easy Path

Do we all instinctively seek the easy path? Are we searching for the minimum amount of ‘discomfort’ (not always defined… or known)? Do we invariably look, first, for paths that are smooth, straight, simple, not strewn with those aspects that demand a reasoned (sometimes defined as ‘painful’ – undefined) response? I think the answer is

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Such a waste of time… not to mention energy and emotion. However, that logic doesn’t seem to affect our use of regrets. Evidence of our sorrow is seen in our actions. How we handle this – what we do… or don’t do – is the evidence of who we are and how we deal with this. Question:

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Getting by

  Is that how you go about being you? Doing just enough. Bluntly – if you aren’t growing, you’re standing still. And where does standing still get you? Exactly! You are behind because life is an action word. Seriously, If it is worth doing, then it’s worth doing well. And when it comes to being and

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
