

Have you even been in the situation in which you discovered you just might need an attitude adjustment… but in an area that you felt you had already reach an understanding about who you were and how you should act in (fill in the blank) situations? How did this make you feel? Slightly embarrassed? Irritated? […]

Adjustment???! Read More »

While we wait…

In April, 2020 a Grace Covenant Church’s article stated:  “Biblical waiting is not a passive activity, but is demonstrated by active dependence upon and obedience to God.”  I’m sure others have also come to this realization. Too often we do think that if we wait, that’s what we do… wait (think – twiddle thumbs). I don’t

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Thought life

Explain to me, if you can, why we always seem to focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do! Silly really. When we do this we don’t maximize what we have, only moan about what we don’t. And that gets us even further behind/removed from what we should be seeing and doing. Yes, our

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Seriously… who chooses, consciously, their life? Do you? Is Fate the ‘chooser’? And you can add as many other ‘determiners’ as you like. Is it ever…Your choice? What’s important is the answer? Who makes your life decisions? I suspect most of us would like to believe that we have the final say… the final determination. But… do we?

Chooser? Read More »

Answered Prayer

Do you believe prayer IS answered? Yours? Was what you hoped for what happened? Was your prayer answered in the way (and time) you thought? Can you easily bring to mind your answered prayers? What did you do when the prayer was answered? Thank and Praise the Lord? Share your experience with others, especially those that you asked

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
