

You – are a chosen person. Did you realize you are?      “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,      His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him      who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1Peter 2:9)Do know, though, that you have

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  We all are. Being imperfect is not the issue – dealing with being imperfect is! There was a thoughtful post on Facebook that said:      “There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get      inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.” The ‘author’ of this quote is unknown, but the

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Defining moment(s)

  They (defining moment(s)) really are fantastic! Defining moments are not only emotional – they involve the entire person – spirit, soul, and sometimes body. Whether the situation was positive or negative, the lessons available to be learned are those that stay with us … forever. Definition: defining moment(s) are those times that significantly impact who we

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  This is definitely a catch-word in the times we live in. There is a vast majority of people who feel they are ‘entitled’… but for what? To what ends? At whose expense? Equally important is – why are they entitled and someone else isn’t? Those questions only scratch the surface of this issue, and

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Live Simply

    ‘Live simply’ was a catch-phrase that seemed to be the current fad, a few years ago. Not certain it still is. However, no one ever bothered to define or describe what this means. It sounds good on the surface. But… who sets the standard for what this means? Do these questions make us

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