

Have you ever longed for something so intently that it seemed to pour out of every pour in your body? The only problem was you couldn’t identify what you were longing for… Has this every described how you feel/felt? I have. Please… never put down those feelings when you experience them. They will be heard

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How do you respond to this word? Does it entice you or repel? Obviously, it depends on the context because no one should accept a dangerous challenge. Challenge is perhaps the best descriptive word for dare. But fool-heartiness is never descriptive. Though those of a higher threshold to risk may not fully comprehend the severity…

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We all have expectations in all parts of our lives. Whether or not you acknowledge this or feign ignorance, they exist. Sometimes they aren’t acknowledged because we don’t want to be disappointed if they aren’t accomplished. But ‘expectation’ does need defining since this word does have multiple applications.  Simply, Webster defines the word by the

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