
Talk & Listen

I can’t listen and talk at the same time. I really don’t believe anyone can… except for that small percentage that can because they’re only listening to themselves. These people genuinely love to hear the sound of their own voice, though they would vociferously deny this. The ‘proof; is that sometimes their response has nothing […]

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Have you ever tried to get your head around the idea, the concept, the reality of GOD? I suspect every person who comes to the saving knowledge and makes Jesus their Lord has wrestled with this question more than once. It is HUGE and there’s no way we could have created God… as the skeptics

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Jack v. Master

When I was growing up in the dark ages, one of the more favorite sayings was ‘jack of all trades and the master of none’ typically preceded by a somewhat critical tone implying either – is this what you want to become or applied to another person. I think that the implicit assumption/judgement was that

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Trials… Joy?!

We are told to ‘consider’, tests and challenges and trials!!! Who would ‘consider’ that? Doesn’t mean it isn’t a good thing though. But… what do we get from doing this? How do we view tests, challenges, and trials? Unfair? How are we to ‘consider’? “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come

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Trustable. Are you trustable? It probably would help if I provided my definition for this word so you’d know how I was defining and expressing this word. I do realize that most people would use ‘trustworthy’ which is a great word and more well known and understood, but I like ‘trustable’. In my world of

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My goodness… I didn’t realize that I was sooo performance based! No, not in relation to others, as a basis of comparison – just in terms of me. And while some of you who are more familiar with me, I suspect this comes as no great shock. Was it my family? my friends? my standard?

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
