
One and done

Do we really believe this? Especially with those fundamental and foundational areas in our lives… are any really one and done? OK, some things can be one and done, like salvation. As long as salvation is defined in terms of the beginning and not the end of this life change. I believe that most things

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Mercy? or Justice? Which do you extend? You can’t answer with a ‘it depends’. Because, bottom line is our first reaction or thought… Will we forgive or will we ‘get even’? You do realize that the phrase, get even, is merely a euphemism for revenge. (notta question) Seriously, does the prospect of getting your revenge

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Taking a Stand

It’s not easy. And when it hits home, requiring you to act on your stand… rarely simple. It’s so easy to be for or against (fill in the blank) when it’s at a distance and really doesn’t require any ‘discomfort’ in your life. But once that stand makes you Do something. Very different. Being bold,

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By chance

Do you believe in… ‘by chance’? For me, it falls into the same category as ‘luck’ – good or bad. Simply, I don’t believe in either. The Lord that I serve would never be that willy nilly as to leave ‘things’ to our luck, or the lack of it, or to chance. The God who

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Know what this word means? Know what it looks like? Is this one of your character qualities?Webster definition (2nd definition): “….firm in belief, determination, or adherence: Loyal.” Is this you? But… in reference to what, whom? If you are ‘firm’ and ‘loyal’ – who, and how did they get this designation? What makes us, You

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
