
Yes? No?

The argument to ‘what if I do (fill in the blank) and am wrong?!’ is… ‘what if I don’t (fill in the blank) and I should have?!’ Never forget the message in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-20). Also the other phrasing of this same ‘dilemma’ – ‘is it me or is it the

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A Personal Note

Occasionally I include a note of ‘explanation’ (further understanding) for the reader. This is such a time. I undoubtedly have said something similar in the past… If you’ve read any of my posts you’ll see I include a great deal of scripture. Reason and Purpose merge as to my why. Too often we see only

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The Mob mindset

  Ever thought that most people are susceptible to this? You? You! How could I accuse you of this?!! Simply because anyone at anytime can become swayed by the Mob mindset, and (sometimes) be unaware till later. The Mob mindset is swift, emotional, and can blindside us when we don’t act according to the standard

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
