
Most People

Are you a ‘most people’? Do you ‘go along to get along’? Do you ‘run with the pack’? Or… do you follow a ‘different drummer’? I think I’ve used enough trite phrases to ask my question. But the question remains…. how do you see yourself? How do you act?A ‘most people’ approach to life is

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This particular post is a tad frivolous, but one does have a responsibility to frivolity occasionally. The focus of this post is being a fan. Are you one? I am, though I must admit I don’t venture into fan-hood very often. And, I can count on two hands those things that would classify as being

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Your word

Are you a person of your word? Is your ‘yes’ yes and ‘no’ no? Or…. if there is a change, do you let others know?I really can’t think of anything that’s more important than being a person of your word. Quite honestly, how can anyone rely on what you say if you aren’t? And excuses

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Contrary to popular belief, relationships (marriage, friendship, family) is not, and can never be, 50-50. (Besides, what are you going to do with the other 50%?)They really are all or nothing at all (my definition of ‘relationship’). And the other side of the ‘equation’ has to approach the relationship with the same mindset. If there’s

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Heady word. And, obviously, impossible to fully discuss in only a few paragraphs. Regardless… What does ‘truth’ mean to you? Is it relative – depending on the person or subject? Or, is it what it is. Personally I think there are 3 critical components to consider when you think about truth. One is to speak

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
