
Without hope

Without hope is not the same as hopeless… at least in my world of definitions. Somehow, ‘hopeless’ still retains an element of the potential for hope but ‘without hope’ doesn’t. “Without hope’ is bleak, is barren… is the depth of sadness, is a void.I was vividly reminded of the thought of being without hope today

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I decided it was time, after 2 months, to review what I have been writing. I think, Cosmic Reader, that I have gotten too much into ‘cute’.Cute is OK, in moderation but too often I think I’ve nudged the line. So, effective with the next post, I will attempt to keep tongue out of cheek

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You do realize that you can go over 100% mark – it’s called the ‘above and beyond’ state. Problems (burnout) tend to occur when you try and do the 100+% with a number of things in your life. It never works…. at least it doesn’t for me.Personally I define this state as ‘commitment’. It is

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