
The Silent Generation

I just recently read that those born before the “Boomer” Generation were the “Silent” Generation. Have no idea who decided on that title, but I don’t think so. We could be called the Purpose-Driven or Purposed generation, but we are hardly silent. And exactly how many years constitutes a generation? It seems to change constantly.People […]

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I’m a firm believer that a good hearty laugh a day is critical to good mental health… at least to keeping your funny bone happy. But… do you know what makes you laugh?Personally I’m not particularly fond of slapstick, unless it’s underplayed and short. Some performers do this to perfection but mostly it’s done ‘over

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If you were to meet you, would you like you? Do you think you’d trust you? If you were in a place where you needed assistance, would you ask you for help? If you were going to celebrate something significant in your life, would you ask you to participate?All the answers to those questions relate

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2nd chances… 3rd?

I’m a firm believer in 2nd chances… and sometimes even 3rd. Since we all do/say things we wished we hadn’t, we all need that opportunity ‘to make amends’/correct /change…In some respects one could look on 2nd/3rd chances as ‘apology accepted’ since most of the time it is because it was allowed by someone else. Another

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Dad always liked to say that it didn’t cost you any more to dream big than it did to dream small. I have no idea if he was quoting someone else or this was original with him. Regardless, this is true. Dreams have little to do with what’s ‘realistic’ and everything to do with one’s

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We are our choices

…or at least we become our choices. The decisions we make continue to define who we are – either to reinforce or refine, rarely to contradict.Decisions should never be willy nilly but there also does come a point in which you have garnered enough facts, thought through the ramification, selected your best (never settled for

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Do you know what you’re passionate about Cosmic Reader? I know mine… well, at least the current ones. Some have stayed with me for years, some fade away, and some are added. For example: when I was teaching in college I was passionate about what I was teaching and what I hoped the students would

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Do you know what your mission is Cosmic Reader? We all have one you know, whether or not we’ve discovered it yet. A mission goes beyond work, it goes beyond family though either/both can be involved as part of your mission.Does the mission change? Good question. My personal opinion is that the only way it

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
