

Big word, responsible. It carries with it a definition with very ‘heavy’ implications. One can’t lightly use the word nor ignore it.I’ve always believed that you are responsible for what you know. One really can’t un-know something one knows. You can try and ignore it or conveniently put it in the back of your closet

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Have you ever thought about what motivates you to do… or to not do, something? What are your core value(s), the ‘why’ of what you do and speak that is challenged, threatened, or affirmed – the how and what of your response?Simplistically, motivators can be good, bad, healthy, self destructive, self serving or selfless and

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(this could end up being a theme revisited many times) So what, Cosmic Reader, is your attitude toward change? For it? Against? Jury’s still out?Personally, I’m in favor of change. I’ve always enjoyed it. Seen it as a new challenge. No, not change for change sake – at least I don’t think so. However…… I

C-H-A-N-G-E!!!!! Read More »

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