
Worry… fret….

So tell me, Cosmic Reader, are you a worrier? I know the case could be made that everyone worries about something, at some time. True. But are you a chronic worrier?My definition of ‘worry’ is a person, event, activity (not necessarily an event), “potentiality”, etc. over which you have absolutely no control. That’s the key

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Four Seasons

F-1I have the distinct pleasure of living where there are 4 seasons – all of ’em. Well…. so Spring and Fall are typically only about 7-10 days long…. they still are. I must admit, though, that Winter and Summer consume the majority of the year.Unfortunately the 2 seasons that are my favorites are the 2

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Work vs. Job

They aren’t the same, you know. However, to save any initial argument I’m going to provide my definitions so you’ll understand why I’m saying what I’m saying. Job: something you do to increase the flow of money into the family unit. Work: something you do that provides you with fulfillment, motivation, and challenge. This means

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
