

  This is really a two-part question: who is the thief and what is taken? There are a variety of thieves and many people experience more than one type. The fallout from being robbed can be extremely long-lasting and affect more areas of your life than imagined. Some examples of the thieves are stress, low self-esteem,

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  I’m beginning to think that indifference is worse than hatred, or any of the negative emotions because there is no reaction. One doesn’t act/do anything. How can you talk with, question, or ‘debate’ with people who are totally indifferent?! You can’t! It becomes a completely frustrating feeling and situation. And if you are passionate

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Truth and lies

  There is a saying that I think is spot on – ‘If you don’t know the truth… you can’t recognize a lie.’  True that. It’s so simple and obvious that its ‘truth’ is indisputable. The problem? Truth. How do you define the word? How does it look, operationally, in your life? Do you believe

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Application is

 … the personalization of learning through demonstration, expression of what has been learned. Simple definition, but with no equivocation. I realize that I talk a great deal about application, demonstration, learning and all in the context of personalization. (Webster doesn’t seem to like my word – but personalization – the integration into one’s mindset, lifestyle

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
