

One of the scriptures that has seriously impacted me is found in Ephesians 6:10-20, especially verse 13. These are the scriptures that talk about putting on the whole armor of God and then describes each piece in that armor and the reason for its inclusion. Paul tells us what each piece of the armor is

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Confidence is not arrogance. And confidence is not superiority. Confidence is a deep seated knowledge about who one is and the depth of conviction about what is being discussed. You do need both existing for confidence to display itself otherwise one can be interpreted as arrogant. One test as to whether you are confident or

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For me, ‘content’ is on a continuum from not very to very. And it slides up and down the scale never quite reaching either. I know that Paul tells us that we should be content but I also think we need to define the word. ‘Content’ is aligned with accepting but in both cases positively

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One of the more ‘popular’ words in scripture is ‘walk’. And rather than leaving the word open to definition, scripture defines and discusses it many times and in a variety of books. In Ephesians 4:1 we are told to, “…walk worthy of the calling…” Colossians 1:10 tells us to: “…walk worthy of the Lord, fully

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It is with a great deal of hesitancy that I even broach this topic. We all know the admonition about ‘pride goeth before a fall’. And this is accurate but…. I also think the word’s gotten a bad rap. While we avoid saying the word, we substitute in order to express our feelings – we

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Plan B

You do know what ‘Plan B’ is – yes? That’s when Plan A doesn’t work or no longer works and now you have to shift gears. Sooooo… do you have a ‘Plan B’? And I’m not just talking about money – yes that’s an important consideration but it’s not the only area you need to

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
