

Did you realize you are called to full time ministry?! You are. Right where you are. There is a saying that you may be the only Bible that someone may read. That’s both a tremendous responsibility as well as an incredible opportunity. It should not make you fearful that you might say or do the

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Easy Answer

Have you ever had a question that was responded to with an easy answer? We all have and I’ve become very suspicious of easy answers, especially to hard questions. It’s not that the answer couldn’t be a simple one…. it just rarely is. It also doesn’t mean to throw out the easy answer because that

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We need to begin with a definition so we’re all operating from the same frame of reference. Righteous means being in right standing with God. A simple enough concept but also one that’s difficult to maintain. Now… how important is righteous to you? The answer should be – all important, because it is. Simply because

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As I was watching one of the few programs on TV that I do view, one of the characters made the comment, “Everyone needs a code to live by.” What a great line! And how true! A bit of a ‘duh’ I grant you but sometimes it is the obvious that’s missed.Everyone DOES need a

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I somewhat got the cart before the horse in talking in my previous post about Answered Prayer and talking about Praying in this one. However, that’s really not critical because it is important to understand that ALL prayer is answered, just maybe not how we expect. No one is likely to pray if they don’t

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
