

It is my contention that hope is the least know, least understood, least defined and absolutely one of the most important companions one can associate with as you travel through life. Also, it is a word that constantly is used in our daily speech. I realize that sounds a tad dramatic but that doesn’t mitigate

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(more of) Wisdom

If you remember from yesterday’s post, one of the attributes of Wisdom is ‘good fruits’. One of the things that has always intrigued me is that the statement is “… full of compassion AND good fruits…” Good fruits is coupled with compassion.The logical implication is that good fruits don’t exist without compassion and the manifestation

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Growth factor

Do you know what your Christian growth factor is? For that matter, did you know that you have a growth factor? AND… you do know that when you were saved that was only the beginning? You really are expected to grow.I’ve always been amazed at the mentality that seems to think that the moment you

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There’s a line in an old Frank Sinatra song that says, “Regrets. I’ve had a few but then again too few to mention.” What about you? Do you have regrets? Are you doing anything with them, or are you simply regretting?If you are only regretting – lost opportunities, lost … (fill in the blank) –

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
