

You do appreciate that through your words and actions you influence others? Yes? And, by the same token, you also are influenced by others’ words and actions. Having said that, are you aware of what influences you? Whether talking about the effect of your influence or the effect of what influences you, do you know

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Achilles Heel

We all have at least one Achilles Heel… do you know yours? It is vitally important that you know what ‘trips you up’, otherwise, you get blindsided constantly. And… it doesn’t need to be a ‘bad’ in and of itself but when it is taken to extremes it becomes a liability. Example: eating. Eating, in

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I just received an email from a dear friend that I consider absolutely brilliant! I really hadn’t thought this way before. The thrust of the email was that if you had $86,400.00 deposited into your bank account every day with the stipulation that you HAD to spend it all: you couldn’t save or redirect it.

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Our Roots

Today is July 4th, the birth of our nation – the day we declared our freedom from outside control. That auspicious beginning declared that we were a people who stated our reliance on and belief in God. We gratefully acknowledged that America was a Christian nation.Since that beginning we have strayed from our roots, from

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Good News

That’s what the word ‘gospel’ means – good news. But do you know what the good news is? We tend to make it complicated, to theologize it, to make it a series of steps or stages that one goes through. However, in its simplest and easiest – it means: Jesus Love me, this I know.For

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Forgiving self

I don’t know about you but I find it very difficult to forgive myself when I’ve done something stupid or hurtful to another. It really isn’t all that difficult to go to that person and ask for their forgiveness, whether or not they give it, but I find it incredibly difficult to forgive myself. Actually,

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