
Two Birthdays

We all have a physical (date) birthday but we also have the opportunity of a second birthday – a spiritual birthday. This second birthday is more important than the first, though, admittedly, you have to have the first to have the second. Specifically – today is my birthday and my spiritual day is three days […]

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Do you consider yourself a model? You are, you know. Actually…. everyone is. You model your true beliefs, your character, your wants, your needs – everything! You model by your actions as well as by your words. You are constantly on display.I suspect most people don’t look at themselves as being ‘on stage’. But it

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Forgiveness: Step 3

With each progressive forgiveness step, the responsibility and subsequent action increases and this step is the hardest of all – forgetting. This step is forgiveness’s forgetting. I don’t know about you but this is something I find extremely difficult to accomplish. I have a very long memory.Yet, I’d like to think there is a partial

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Forgiveness: Step 2

Whether your forgiveness of another is unilateral on your part or instigated through the other person seeking your forgiveness, the statement is only the first step in the forgiveness process. Forgiving is a process. Forgiveness is always a choice. However, the benefits far outweigh any negatives. And whether or not you realize it – forgiveness

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It seems that every generation, in some fashion, idolizes the young. Perhaps it’s a memory of one’s own youth and lost youth that stimulates this. The young are glamorized for their innocence, their passion, their willingness to ‘think outside the box’, their daring, their zest for life. And they are amusingly admonished for their belief

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Comfort Zone

Do you know yours? You may not know what/where it is but you certainly know when you’re not in it. There should be a caveat in this – moving out of your comfort zone shouldn’t be willy nilly. Not sure what the point in that would be. Personally, I think that taking chances for the

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
