
Which you…?

Do you have many you’s? Not unusual… many people do. However, it will entail a bit of a juggling act and knowing which you to present to which ‘group’ when you are with the world. Quite honestly…….. is it worth it? And what do you gain when you do this? Isn’t it tiring? I really

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“For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of

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What do you do when, despite all your good actions, you aren’t met with success? Pout? Complain? Give up? Whine? What is it you typically do? And if your response to those reactions is ineffective … Then what? One reality we should always remember is that we may not always be successful in what we

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Recently I’ve been thinking about ‘more of God’. Knowing, understanding more of the who and how of the Lord. We really do need to understand the who of the Lord, but we also need to know how to express this. Then the rabbit trail took me to the question of… if we don’t apply and

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In the hurrying of living, traditions sometimes get loss in the ‘new’ or ‘important’ other things. In our grandparents’ times, traditions were followed and imparted to the younger generations. I wonder when this practice stopped? And why? Not modern enough, the old things and thus not relevant? Wrong answers. Exactly what is ‘tradition’? Webster says:

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Rocket Science

I always describe my writing as not being rocket science … which got me to thinking about how salvation can be characterized as not being rocket science. Think about it a moment. What are we told? “That whosoever believes will be saved (John 3:15) and “There is no other name (Jesus – Acts 4:12). Simple

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The hole

I read, heard that we all have a hole in us… and, that the only thing that fills up or satisfies is God. Believe this? I do. I think that many of us try to fill the hole with everything we can think of… fame, fortune, multiple people/places/things, etc. But nothing ever seems to fully

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Duh. I finally have seen the obvious. All, as in A-L-L, my writing is talking about relationships. Especially our relationship with the Lord. In some way on some level my primary writing context is always our relationship with the Lord. I realized this and began writing about it again. But… what could possibly be more

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
