
By definition

If you have been saved, then – by definition – you are in process. No one is an instantaneous mature Christian. There is a lifetime of discovering what this means, who you are, what your responsibilities are… but also Whose you are and what this means. Example: do you realize you have an inheritance? You do, […]

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(This is an expanded version from an article I wrote for my church’s monthly newsletter. I believe the thesis sufficiently important to share on my blog.) My writing is designed as an encouragement to the body, to lift you up. However, there are times when I feel I’m suppose to issue a challenge. It’s true

Investment? Read More »

A glimpse

Have you ever thought about what heaven is like? Do you have any conception of what you will be doing? Or do you think you’ll be sitting around chatting with others and attending Praise and Worship services. And… is there any relationship to what you’ve done with your time here, in this life, that is

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Do you realize…

Have you ever realized that if you don’t believe in yourself, that you will never understand, appreciate, or even accept that someone else does? Have you ever realized that if you don’t love yourself you can’t accept love from another? I would also question if you can extend love to others. Have you ever realized

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HOW you ‘present’

Many times we hear (or say) ‘ don’t shoot the messenger’. This preface typically precedes a sad/’bad’ message. Which means that the listener/receiver is automatically on guard about the upcoming message. And to divorce the messenger from the message is incredibly difficult…but without being forewarned, the two do become one. Which means that relationship, at

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I’ve written about fear before. It is true that when faith exists, fear has no place to go. Fear can never coexist with Faith – faith is always stronger. Do notice that I never said it was easier. Do you have fears in your life? Most people do and attempt to avoid them at all

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Ever think about your soul? Ever wonder why scripture talks about your soul as often as it does? Or do you couple spirit and soul together into one? They aren’t the same, you know. When you read ‘spirit’ in scripture – it isn’t talking about your soul… and vice versa. So what is ‘soul’? Your

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
