

What’s your understanding, interpretation, definition of this word? Do you experience ‘punishment’? Is it precarious and capricious… or justified? Regardless, how do you handle these times and what do you do with what you learn? About yourself – your actions, your ownership of what you did or said, your ‘amends’, etc.  The Word tells us […]

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Are you asking?

Scripture tells us that we receive not because we don’t ask. Is this happening in your life? Or is it the next sentence that voids the receiving… “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (James 4:3) Soooo, what are you asking for, and are you receiving?

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We all have expectations in all parts of our lives. Whether or not you acknowledge this or feign ignorance, they exist. Sometimes they aren’t acknowledged because we don’t want to be disappointed if they aren’t accomplished. But ‘expectation’ does need defining since this word does have multiple applications.  Simply, Webster defines the word by the

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Meaning? Is it the same as “foundational’? Webster:    “… serving as, or being an essential part of, foundation or basis; basic; underlying; being an original or primary source; indispensable, primary…”   Some of the suggested synonyms are: basic, elemental, essential, introductory, rudimental, underlying.This is like an onion… the more you peal back the more you

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Self defense

The ‘evidence’ suggests that we all are quick to defend ourselves… whether or not we need to. If we ‘sense’ that a slight or ‘attack’ on our character or any other aspects of our self, then we leap into the breach with a defense of self. And what does this avail us? Sadly, more misunderstanding.

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
