
THE Problem

… is Power, actually I should have written it as – POWER! Authority. Control. Over…? The ‘over’ answer is – everything and anything that touches our lives, our world. Not gonna happen though for the vast majority of people.So how do we compensate for this lack of total and utter control? By attempting to exercise

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I sometimes wonder if we underestimate the Lord – perhaps not consciously or even with any awareness. We look at (life, challenges, us, fill in the blank) and only see our lack or inability to affect our situation. Yes, sometimes it is an excuse because we don’t want to do/be … but sometimes it is

Underestimate Read More »


  Ahhh Spring. Even the word brings a smile. We can shake off the boots and heavy coats and feel the warmth of the sun instead. Such bliss… until winter does its thing and hammers us at least one more time. But we know now that spring hasn’t left us and will return. This is

New… Read More »

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