
I wonder if we think about the cost of freedom. I know I rarely do and, like so many, take the freedoms I have for granted. There’s a kind of invincibility about us when it comes to freedom – it’s our right, it’s our heritage. No one can or ever will take it from us! However… I wonder if we really appreciate our freedoms and the price that was paid to get and maintain them?

Since the founding of our country men and women have given their lives to protect our freedoms. Freedom to assemble, freedom to bear arms, freedom to worship as we please, and all the other freedoms our Constitution guarantees us. Through the years we’ve seen our freedoms redefined, we’ve seen some taken away, but for the most part we still maintain them. And we’ve seen our young people go off to war to preserve and protect these freedoms.

We sometimes forget or refuse to acknowledge a different kind of freedom that has been granted us through the death and resurrection over 2000 years ago of a savior – one man, Jesus. He also gave His life for our freedom. The freedoms Jesus bought for us include: adoption as a son/daughter of God (Galatians 4:6-7), triumph over death (Romans 6:10), abundant life (John 10:10). And these are only some of the freedoms we have received when we make Jesus Lord.

Freedom is a precious gift and one that always costs a great deal. We should revere our freedom more often than just on Memorial Day, the 4th of July, and Thanksgiving. And we should honor those who are vigilant to maintain these freedoms. But how much more precious are the freedoms Jesus provides to us daily. How much more should we honor and acknowledge His sacrifice. Our lives should reflect the honor as recipients of freedom.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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