SUCCESS is always

a mindset. But it must be supported by commitment/dedication, faith, hope, and endurance. Obviously, there are other behaviors and attitudes, but without those 4 particular operationalized attitudes, I am not sure success ever occurs. 

Firstly, you must realize that ‘success’ is a personalized definition. What you may deem as successful for you, may be an objective to be achieved on the way for someone else on their journey to success. This is irrelevant – never judge yourself on someone else’s definition or standards. Theirs may become a new goal for you… a new refinement… or have absolutely no influence. I’m beginning to think that it is always wise to know others’ definitions so you don’t apply your standards to them. Plus you need to know yours so that you don’t accept, without considerable thought, theirs to define yours.

Secondly, ‘success’ HAS to be realistic for you. Simple example, if you are tone deaf then seeking to become an opera or pop singer probably is not a good choice for you. Never give up on your dream… you just may need to find a different way than initially thought. It doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate music, just that if music is your goal then you need to choose a different path such as becoming a musician to attain success.

Third, you must activate commitment/dedication, faith, hope, and endurance – the four behaviors and attitudes. There will be other challenges to you and without these as foundations, I think success will be more difficult. You will discover that sometimes it is one of the foundations that takes the lead to help you overcome whatever is attempting to defeat you and other times it will be a different one. But – all are important for you to be successful at gaining success in accomplishing your goal.

Success, I believe, is always available to us if we begin this journey by assessing the ultimate goal – is it what we truly want and believe is possible, our resources and talents, what potential threats there may be, how to identify aids and hindrances and when to utilize an aid to defeat the hindrance. Blindly going for what you think is who you are, what you want is so time and energy wasting. 

Success is always possible? Apart from the Lord – no. When we are in His plan and will for us, I think we have taken the most significant step toward goal attainment. Trust will be your greatest asset. Trust that if you aren’t walking on your path, that you can find your way back because He who is in you (1John 4:4) wants the best for you (Romans 8:28). 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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