
These are two distinct and separately defined words, but do you use them interchangeable? Is (fill in the blank) truly a need for you… or is it only a want? Definitions are incredibly important at this point. I’m going to share mine and then you can understand what it is that I’m meaning and refine your definition to meet what you understand and know. My point is that we all specially defined words and to know what we NEED is not necessarily the same as what we WANT.

Want, for me , is rarely a person but ‘something’ I would prefer, would hope for…BUT it is not absolutely necessary or ‘mandatory’ for me to accomplish/do what I’m (fill in the blank). Enhance or make easier – absolutely, but not a make or break. Need, on the other hand, is crucial. Without (fill in the blank) there isn’t an absolute assurance of success. Need is on a much deeper level and much more immediate. Actually, need may be the catalyst for moving on to – next. Understand my definitions? You don’t have to like them but it will make my reasoning(?) … clearer. 

Point in all this is to know our individual need(s). In order to be our best us, we need to know what this is… operationally. And what we look at as our needs in order to be our best, what do we do with them? Do we simply expect the Lord to make them available to us? Do we come to Him and ask for those things we need? Do we know what we will do with them when we ‘have’ them? But in the midst of all these questions… what’s our responsibility? Do we need to study in order to properly use the need effectively? Is it something we already have but never realized its value?

So many questions – and these only begin the process. We need to distinguish between what is a genuine need and simply a ‘want’. This is the first step. Then we can go to the Lord to seek His hand of provision. And yes, I find that I also add the ‘want’ but I acknowledge it to Him and myself that it isn’t critical, merely an easier way. I really don’t believe He disallows wants, but I do believe that He wants us to know the difference and then how to use what He’s provided. Needs and wants are part and parcel of our lives… but we need to not use our predetermined situation to stop in our tracks. Sometimes the provision happens … when we take that step of faith to speak or to do.


Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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