
(This is an expanded version from an article I wrote for my church’s monthly newsletter. I believe the thesis sufficiently important to share on my blog.)

My writing is designed as an encouragement to the body, to lift you up. However, there are times when I feel I’m suppose to issue a challenge. It’s true for this post. I feel compelled to ask you, me this question: How do you know that you are a good investment? Actually, it’s quite easy. Every time you share your gifting, you prove your value as an investment. 

The obvious next question is: What is your gifting? Surprisingly, it is incredibly simpler to know than we realize. What do YOU like to do? What brings joy to your life?  What do you make time for? That, my friend, is your gift to the body! Too simplistic? too mundane? or doesn’t relate to being a Christian?! Firstly, everything we do should relate to the fact that we have accepted Jesus as our Lord – it should permeate everything we do, are, say, touch. 

But yours is so… so, of the world.? If so, is it convertible? Can you apply what you enjoy doing to  the fact you are a Christian? Yes, the Word says we are tested, but our tests are designed to help us grow… and you can achieve success. We are not put into the world to be of the world, and yes, we are in – not the same. Why wouldn’t your gifting apply?
I sometimes think our problem is comparing – our gifting to what seems to get the greatest acclamation. Read 1 Corinthians 12 again – especially verses 22-26 

   “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (v. 27)

I do wish I could sit down with everyone to help them see just how important they are. That you are special. That you are right where you are for a reason. That you can make a difference. But it does take bravery. Being brave about who you are, who you are becoming, what you do, how you go about being you… about Whose you are. If you aren’t sharing your gift… what are you sharing? Because, trust me, we all share – consciously or not. It can be so much more effective when we are purposeful in our sharing. Truly… you can do it. Believe. Share. 
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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