The Awkward Age

Are you at that awkward age? You do appreciate that ‘awkward age’ is not age specific. One can be at that age at any age, though I do realize it is typically associated with a specific time in one’s life. But, awkward does occur and is difficult to deal with. Besides, has anyone ever defined why it is awkward?

Webster says that awkward is: clumsy, unwieldy, uncomfortable. Do any of those adjectives resonate? Of course. And we’ve all been there… more than once. But while it is awkward – do you know why you feel the way you do? I would suggest that part, and in some cases all, of the reason is lack of control over the situation or lack of knowing what’s happening and why. One of the descriptive adjectives for awkward is embarrassed. And this might be the main, overriding feeling experienced. Somehow you should know/understand, but you don’t.

I think that if you are currently in the awkward age you should know:
1- everyone experiences this, and though that really is of little comfort, at least you know others also go through this experience.
2- it is a stage, a phase that is experienced many times during one’s life but simply because you experience it once does not make you an expert – everyone has to find their way out of their own maze.

3- each person needs to stop and analyze what is happening, and then why, and then what – if anything – you can/should do or whether it’s a time you have to weather.

There are probably other words of comfort I might be able to offer but… I think I’m going through an awkward time right now myself so I’ll need to reread this. Then again…… it may only be a difference of opinion and I’m accepting the other person’s definition so…. maybe it’s their awkward age.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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