What are you doing with what you have????

Legitimate question. We all typically are asking for ‘more’ to accomplish whatever the task/goal that we are pursuing, but what are we doing now with what we have? Marking time? Working toward the accomplishment? Waiting? We obviously have some of the resources/supplies we need or we never would have gotten started, so what are we doing…now?

My guess would be that we would be complaining, marking time or waiting or some combination of those three. Unfair? Perhaps, but you have to look at the situation to judge it. So often we decide that we need ‘more’ and it is often basically cosmetic. Not always, true. But waiting for ‘more’ (defined as money, people, time, resources) is not being productive. The question though is – what are we doing with what we have NOW.

I remember hearing the phrase, “Well, I’m doing the best I can … under the circumstances.” There is little one can respond with to that phrase. But the telling is the … under the circumstances, which is really a way of covering in case something goes ‘wrong’. What is ‘under the circumstances’ other than excuse? We sometimes spend more time on justification, in developing excuses then we do in actual accomplishment.

I know I’m sounding harsh but it may be a fair assessment. And yes, I’m speaking as much to myself as I am to ‘others’. We really need to let our needs be made known, perhaps even providing rationale for why we need more but spend our energy and time on what’s at hand, what we can do. We need to move forward without the expectation of ‘more’. When we do, then if more comes… we have an abundance and can do even …. more.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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