
I’ve finally come to the obvious realization that I can’t prove to you that there is a God, that Jesus is the only way to the Father and adoption into the family of God. Granted that there are a number of ‘proofs’ that I can provide but ultimately…. this is a decision that each person has to make. You decide to believe or you decide not to. You either accept the proof that’s provided or you decide that it isn’t sufficient for you, you deny it.

It’s not that I don’t have a responsibility – I do. I have a responsibility to you, I have a responsibility to my Lord, and I have a responsibility to myself. My primary responsibility is to be a witness. I can introduce others to the Lord that has touched my life. I can share how He’s impacted my life, what He’s done for me. I can seed, water, harvest but it still is dependent on the other person. It’s the Holy Spirit that draws people to the Lord but again it’s the free choice, the decision by each person to accept or reject the Lord. It is an either/or.

I can point out that in all of the ‘religions’ available for man to choose from that Christianity is the only one that has a Savior who chose to die for mankind, to be the ultimate sacrifice and then to rise from the dead for our victory over death and lives today. But this is a decision of faith.

There’s the argument that everyone goes to heaven, that a loving God would never consign people to hell (presupposing they even admit hell exists). But that makes no sense. Why would you want to spend time in a place with someone (God, Jesus) you have never accepted, you don’t believe in? Heaven is the destination for those who believe. Could I be wrong? Possibly, but nothing in scripture sustains the argument that everyone goes to heaven.

Proof can be summed up in Paul’s declaration in Romans (1:16): “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Only you can believe for yourself and no one can ‘make’ you believe. It is a free choice. But if you don’t…. what proof do you need, that will lead you to truth?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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