New Beginnings…

Do you like new beginnings? The ‘today is the first day of the rest of your life’ type new beginnings? This is almost like a wiped slate approach – not throwing the baby out with the bathwater but definitely a new start. It does take some courage to do this because it does require a different mindset than the one you’ve been using – that one didn’t work.

Why do you want a new beginning? What would you do differently? There are those who would use a new start to rectify the mistakes from yesterday. Not sure that’s possible. What was done, was done. I think the point is to start from this point forward. Not making the same old mistakes but committing to something ‘better’. Again, this requires you adopting a new way of looking at life and a new way of reacting. You really can’t do something new with old thinking and behaviors.

Have you ever asked yourself what/who is the better you? If you don’t know who that is and what it is you do then how can you possibly be your better you? Assuming that the ‘new’ is what you want, what will you do to change? Change lies at the heart of new – remember the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over again but expecting a different result). Without a different vision, a different attitude you can’t be your expression of your better you.

‘New’ is more than not repeating past mistakes. It has to be proactive and not merely reactive. You have to grow! Since you’ve spent x number of years being your current you is it even possible to be a new you? Yes. But don’t try and do it alone – lean on the One who has made you a new creation. The Lord will partner with you to help you ‘improve’ but He won’t do it for you. There is no magic wand and it does take energy, dedication and commitment. So… is ‘new’ for you?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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