Pass – Fail

When I was in grade school one of the methods to discover if we had learned what we needed to know as foundation for building on that learning and then moving on was to give us a test. The test was a pass/fail and if you passed, you moved on. If you didn’t then the teacher had information about what was lacking in your knowledge or understanding so that you could receive the necessary instruction.

God uses this same approach. And these tests are for our benefit – they are not punishment. Let me say this again: tests are not punishment. How can we possibly move on/up unless we know and understand the place we are in now? For example: Paul, in Ephesians, talks about “… the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you many know…” (1:17-18). He also discusses being rooted and grounded. (3:17) Grounded in this context means established. With that level of knowledge and understanding then we are able to apply it as well as build upon it.

So what happens if we fail? Just like in school, we get another chance – and another, and another until we fully comprehend what it is that we’re learning. Fortunately it’s not a 3 strikes and your out approach. The reason for passing the test is as much for us as it is to pass. And though the content is the same, the test will vary. I can assure you that whatever it is that you need to know now and for your future will culminate in a test. How else will you know you know what you know?

Tests don’t need to be viewed negatively. Not passing them shouldn’t be either. What it should tell us is what it is we need to know so that our future is successful. That’s God’s plan for us as well. Reread Jeremiah 29:11 if you need reassuring of God’s view.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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