What do you need?

The context for this question is: to be happy and ‘successful’ according to your definition. What needs to happen for you to attain everything you need? Duly note that I didn’t say ‘want’. Want and need are two different states – relate-able but not the same. Is your need materialistic based? people based? personal based? Do you even know what you need?

One of the clearest examples of someone who ‘had it all’ is Solomon in scripture. He had wealth beyond measure, esteem from all – except perhaps his son, he was the wisest man because of his request of God (1King 3:12, 4:31), credited with writing scripture. And yet… he was empty; he said that all was futility (Ecclesiastes 1:2). This begs the question of what was it he needed? What was lacking?

Actually the answer is rather simple. If you don’t start with yourself then all the rest has no meaning because it is outside of you. “Things” never make up for the state of your soul. How healthy your soul is determines how full your life is. Your soul is the essence of who you are.

Just to get simplistic – the definition of ‘soul’ is: your mind, will and emotions. Your soul is different than your spirit – your spirit will live forever. For this discussion we are talking about ‘soul’. Therefore, as you consider your soul – how healthy is it? Are you striving? Are you content? Is your mind creative or is it perplexed? Is your will strong or is it wishy washy? Are your emotions expressive or hampered?

As the state of your soul is so goes the state of your life. So, again – what do you need? Perhaps it’s a question of getting what you need? Or… are you fulfilled? I would strongly suggest that your relationship with the Lord is the foundation for a strong life. Outside of Him – there is no life.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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