Faith, continued

In no way should this be considered as an exhaustive discussion about faith. But I did want to indicate the 3 ‘descriptions’ I felt were foundational, crucial to any understanding or appreciation about faith. We’ve briefly looked at the definition that talks about the unseen attributes of faith. Next is the realization that we can never pleased God without faith.

One of the more telling scriptures is when Jesus asks whether or not He’ll find faith when he returns (Luke 18:8). Obviously our faith is important. Jesus wouldn’t express concern if faith wasn’t critical. Have you ever wondered about this? The reason for the concern…? Perhaps it relates to the fact that it is impossible to please God without it. Somehow, as important as that is, I think it’s more.

In my world of definitions, faith is that step beyond belief. Belief rests in those things that can be substantiated, faith requires… more. James notes that even the demons believe (2:19) but this is not enough. So, what is it that faith does? Faith acts. And acts not on the basis of known but on the basis of unknown, unseen. James goes on to say that faith was working with works (2:22).

You can carry that argument concerning faith forward to the realization that faith is so important that you can’t please God without it. Hebrews 11 is the great faith chapter that lists those people and acts that rested on faith. It culminates in chapter 12:2 which talks about Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who endured for our faith.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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