Sowing and Reaping

Most people familiar with this teaching automatically think in terms of finances. While this is true about money, this is a limiting approach. Sowing and Reaping is a law. And laws are far more pervasive than merely applying to just one subject. “Laws’ are givens – they are in effect regardless of the circumstance, they are immutable.

One aspect that many people don’t consider is that the personal component – ‘attitude’, the how of following the law. This is nearly as important as actually acting in accordance with the law. Scripture teaches us that God loves a cheerful giver (2Corinthians 9:7). Grudgingly, like the brother of the prodigal son, is not as favorably accepted as a wholehearted, joyful giving. We need to look at our hearts when we are sowing because this is important.

Expectation is also an issue. If we give and expect a quid pro quo return then we limit both the giving and receiving. However, to expect nothing is not scriptural either (2 Corinthians 9:8). We should be actively looking for what the Lord will provide or we could miss our blessing. You cannot out give God, His word tells us He does repay. My point is that we need to look beyond mere financial return.

Throughout scripture we are given ‘agricultural’ parables because these are so visible and easy to understand. Sowing and reaping is another teaching that uses this approach. We can see the results when we put the seed into the ground and tend the seed. We don’t plant without expecting it to produce. This shows us that we need to view our seeds, not as a one off throw away but as a seed that will need tending – by prayer. (Galatians 6:9) We know we will receive a crop, we just don’t know the extent of the reaping (Matthew 13:23).

How you sow, what you expect all effect your reaping. But you will reap.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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