
Are you an overcomer? Do you think, act, believe you are an overcomer? More particularly… do you know you are an overcomer? Or are you one of the overcomed – and yes I know overcomed is not a word but it does portray the reality. I’m not sure you can be on a continuum between the two extremes because to overcome, you have to make a stand. Believe it or not, overcoming is a choice. And you either are an overcomer or you are an overcomed.

Webster defines overcome as: “to master, prevail over, or surmount”. That is a strong statement requiring strong action and equally strong believing. It is the believing that’s the first step. You have to believe that you can overcome, that you have within you far more ability and assistance than whatever it is you are overcoming. Actually I think you have to know you can overcome.

Being an overcomer is not a passive action. You have to do something, but no, fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. I suspect that it can be argued that overcoming is a process, that one doesn’t overcome overnight or by snapping one’s fingers. True. But that first step is critical. You have to take an action and belief is the foundation.

I can’t stress strongly enough that you aren’t in this alone. You have all the resources for success available to you: prayer, scripture, and the statement from God that He will never leave or forsake you and He will provide a way through the trial. Overcoming is a trial but one you can win – IF you choose to. And yes, you are strong enough but you have to be willing to take a stand.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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