Glass…. half full? or half empty?

I’m a half full type. I don’t remember not being this way. If there’s a silver lining… I’ll find it. If there’s something ‘good’ to be seen… I’ll see it. And I think I’m really blessed to be able to look at life in this way.
This particular mindset, though, can be extremely annoying to others, at least that’s what they’ve said to me. It doesn’t deter however. And, it isn’t ‘pie in the sky’. I just seem to be the optimistic type that will search out the positive, something to be learned rather than wallowing in the negative.
I’m not setting myself up as some paragon because just like you I wallow too. Feeling sorry for ourselves seems to be part of our makeup. I just try and not stay there very long – to me it wastes time.
Being of a somewhat logical bent I tend to look at whether whatever I’m doing will accomplish anything. For me, half empty doesn’t. It doesn’t move me. You?
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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