Something is better than nothing…..

not necessarily. Compromise… Is it an ugly word? A behavior/action to be avoided…. at all costs?

I remember a comment by Oral Roberts that what you compromise to get/keep you will lose. That’s paraphrased but the essence is there. Compromise, Cosmic Reader, may be ‘helpful’ but it also may be insidious.

Yes, I know, it is relative. But the mindset isn’t.

How do you, Cosmic, view compromise? Is it the standard by which you act and decide? Do you suggest it first? Or is it an option of last resort? Or, is it dependent upon the ‘subject’?

Personally I’m a rotten compromiser. I don’t like compromise and the ‘something is better than nothing’ mindset isn’t one I prefer. Do I compromise? Of course. We all do. That doesn’t make it the best approach though.

The more important the ‘issue’, the less I’m likely to compromise. Does this mean that I ‘lose’ a great deal? I guess that depends on your definition of losing and the quality of the item lost.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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