Whatcha see is whatcha get…?

True for you? Personally… I think I’m lazy because I don’t want to try and remember if I give different persona’s and words to person A when I am with person B. Do not like these kinds of games and don’t want to waste my time, energy, and thought life remembering who I am with one person versa another. I remember being accused, years ago, that I wasn’t ‘transparent’ (the current buzz word then). Not true. I just was who I was at that moment rather than being something ‘expected’. But I wasn’t consciously trying to be difficult.

What about you though? What do you do? If you look in a mirror do you see you? Probably more important though is if you can suspend ‘reality’ for a minute and try and see you as others would. Is the you they see the same across people? Is the you they see who you see? No value comments on whether or not you want to be viewed differently – that’s question 2. First though is congruence and consistent. Are you… you?

Do remember you can’t change into something ‘new’ if you don’t know who you are at this moment. And accept the fact that you are always changing and evolving… as are those around you. I think our problem, many times, is when we do change we don’t always communicate this which can be confusing for others.

Back to the initial question – are you consistent, are you … you? Why would you want to be other than you? You say you don’t like you? Or maybe there are parts of you that you need improving or want to keep private. Notta problem – is others breach those areas, simply say you don’t want to discuss (fill in the blank). If they drop you for your honesty then you really didn’t need the relationship in the first place.

Scripture does give us information on this issue:

““Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, … (Jeremiah 1:5)

Psalms 139:15-16 and Isaiah 49:1 also speak to this. Remember… God doesn’t make junk, so you can never view yourself in that light. If you are know by God from before your beginning then you have a place, a home in Him, a purpose. You are able to grow, to become your best. And being who you aren’t to please (fill in the blank) is not the way.

My question 2 is also important because when we do change we need to let those in our world know. Sometimes people are aware of a change but not understand. You always choose what and how much you share… but this is important to those populating your world. Why would you not want them to know that you have grown?

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

See! A good work… completion. Let this be what motivates you to be confident in letting others (and yourself) see that… whatcha see is whatcha get.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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