It is said that people ‘of a certain age’ are invisible (actually on both ends of the age continuum). Then there are those who feel that they’ve always been invisible. Does invisible define or describe your ‘persona’? Do you feel invisible? If so… why? By/to whom? And… do you want or need to do anything about this? Do you ‘like’ to be/feel invisible?

If being invisible is a choice, then a whole different set of issues arise. If you feel you are/have always been invisible, then this is different. Have you ever taken the time to analyze why this seems to be the case? Are you certain of your self declaration of invisibility? What’s your evidence of being invisible? Are there any advantages to being invisible? Why do you need to be visible… what would you be or do differently? Or… underneath all this is a feeling of desiring to receive the ‘credit’ or the acclaim for (fill in the blank) that will shine the light on you. Is this pride?

I would suggest that a definition would be important but our motivation is even more critical. Specifically… what, for you, is your definition of being ‘invisible’? Why would we want to be visible or invisible? If you’ve been invisible for a long time then does this classification give you your identification? I realize that the last sentence sounds counter-intuitive, however, that doesn’t make the question invalid.

By choice? Design? Or attributed to? And regardless, how does this affect and influence your sense of your worth? Often visible and self-worth is highly related… but probably incorrectly. There are 2 scriptures that speak to worth and visibility.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24, ESV)

“For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life – is not from the Father but is from the world.” (1John 2:16, ESV)

One of the learnings from these 2 verses leads us to discover our motivation for being visible. Are we the Lord’s Ambassadors – sharing His life… or are we attempting to exalt ourselves? That’s why our motivation is so critical. Have you ever considered just how much we are honored to be His Ambassador in our world? This is a huge reward. .

Finally, the issue of visible or invisible becomes unimportant. When we do what we are called to do – we are visible to the One we want to please… and Colossians tells us then our reward will come from the Lord – the reward of inheritance.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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