Creating a … new

Current events: we will come out of this world-wide culture change and into… what? I’m not certain that we can expect the SOSO. Nor am I certain we want that. If not what was, then what will we create? Your return circumstances may not seem different from what was or… is it? Do you have a new opportunity? What’s your view? What will you do?

It’s not that we have a clean slate, but we do have the closest to that opportunity. And we need to be aware to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. So, in this pre-emergence time we really have an unparalleled opportunity… we can decide what we want to change, what we need to change, and what we want to keep. And all that starts with us… what in our lives and who we are and what we do should change and what do we retain?

Granted our decisions and actions to create a ‘new’ may not affect The World, but it will affect our world. Even if no one else takes advantage of this time, you can and in the process change your thoughts and attitudes to create a better and kinder world. Up for it? Will you do an honest appraisal of your life and see those areas of your thoughts and attitudes that can become ‘new’? Will you only continue and not improve your world, your life – your status quo is fine?

Change, ‘new’ always begins with you. And no, I’m not suggesting that you ‘rose color’ reality or ignore it – that is never a strong basis for change. You can, however, change your perspective and look at your world in terms of what you can be and do that is proactive. How? Unless you are living in a utopian world, anything and everything is open to ‘new’, to what can be as well as what is. Not an answer? Honestly, it depends on your world and mostly – you. What defines ‘new’ for you? And how can you create a ‘new’?

I would strongly suggest that this cannot happen apart from the Lord. If you haven’t made Jesus your Lord, then you are frightfully alone. He can and will help us to a more fruitful and fulfilling life when we let Him. Abide in Him (John 15:4), realize you are a conqueror (Romans 8:37), know all things work to the good (Romans 8:28), accept that you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), act on your inheritance (Romans 8:17), be free from fear (Hebrews 2:15) – and those only scratch the surface of who we are and what we can do. If this isn’t your ‘new’, you can make it be your new. If this is your ‘new’ then stand (Ephesians 6:13) in your assurance.

What will YOU create? What do you want to create? New is always possible… it is available for all. Each of us can choose and begin… now.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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