Best and More

[This originally started as an article for the church’s newsletter… until I read what I wrote and decided I wanted to share it with a wider audience.]

I would contend that one, you are far better than you think you are, and two, you can do far more than you think you can, just not by yourself (remember ‘abide in me’ John 15:4). If you have the attitude that you want to do the best you can, to the best of your ability, then you have a personal foundation to add to the Lord’s equipping, enhancing, and enabling.

You have a great deal to offer, regardless of what you think, and it’s… You! Not enough? Who sez? Remember that ‘if God brings you to it, He will equip you to do it’ (paraphrased). How do you know if God will show up? Well, to start with He told you He would never leave you (Hebrews 13:5). He goes on to tell you that you are His workmanship, created for good works (Ephesians 2:10). Those are two very strong statements that allow you to know where God is in what you are doing. Perhaps the question is… are you sharing with the Lord? He knows your current situation but He enters on your invitation.

What stops you from giving your best? If you are taking your time to (fill in the blank) then why begin and engage with the attitude of ‘get by’ or doing only the minimum? If you aren’t seeking the best in this situation… then what, why, and how are you doing and being you? It would be far better to not even begin if you have this attitude.

However, the biggest ‘filter’ is your faith. Faith in God, yes, but also faith in yourself. If you are doing what’s at hand with all the passion you possess… if you are doing it with the motivation of honoring the Lord – what more do you need to be and do? All that’s really necessary is for you to bring your best and let God do the rest.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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