Goodness! I think I’m a riddle

… perhaps wrapped in a mystery? And inside an enigma! I may be a conundrum!!!! 

Ever feel this way? It’s easier to come to grips with this (plight?) When you know the definitions of enigma and conundrum. Webster: 

conundrum “something hard to understand or explain.” [Well yes.]

enigma  “1. something hard to understand or explain
2. an inscrutable or mysterious person”           [Well yes.]

Interesting that the synonyms for enigma are: conundrum, riddle, mystery.

Does this describe you? And… how do you feel about this? Personally, I’m slightly amused. It is an accurate description of me from my point of view… then again, if it weren’t I think I would want it to be. Want to change this? Probably not. Then again, i ascribe to the belief that we all are a bit this way – by choice.

What we bring to every relationship is US – the who, what, why, how that makes us uniquely US. We are original because no one has experienced precisely what we have and how we have understood this. This is a positive. And it’s also what others bring as well. Never forget this!! The joy is in the discovering – where we hold the same understandings and where we diverge; how the same experience is experienced differently. Bottom line is that when you bring your uniquely you and allow the other person to do the same, everyone is enhanced.

God never made copies. He always has made originals. Why would we ever think we all should be the same? Yes, it is those commonalities that tend to draw us together, but it is also those differences that help us to appreciate both who we are and who the other person is. What and how you’ve learned (fill in the blank) helps me to understand and refine what I’ve learned – and vice versa. We should champion this process and mindset!

Simultaneously… let’s be honest. We sometimes surprise ourselves at how we react, which can be ‘good’ and ‘bad’. And there are times we are surprised at a reaction from someone else that seems totally ‘out of character’ with who we think they are. Simply remember riddle, mystery, enigma, conundrum and smile.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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