Miscellaneous Musings

*** I realize that to some people, what I’m about to say is blasphemous but hold your judgment. Have you ever thought about your DNA? Have you ever thought about what composes your DNA? Yes, your mother and father but what about the ‘life giver’? Who is it that breeze life into us? Yes. So doesn’t that also mean that we have His attributes in us as well? And if so… are they visible?

*** I seem to be apologizing a great deal lately. This means that I’ve been messing’ up… a great deal lately. I intently dislike ‘messing’ up because it also means a host of other things also happening. What is ‘other’ do I hear you ask? Me-ism is the primary culprit because it always births a lot of other negatives.
Sometimes there’s also a hint of arrogance, or even worse – superiority. Not a pretty picture. Now… how to extricate myself from this becomes the focus.

*** Not that I was looking for this, I think I may have found something nearly as deadly as taking offense. Being ‘justified’ in some way by an outside source and the inevitable behavior from this. Both are attitude issues, both build walls, not repair broken bridges. Both are subtle and are the schemes of the devil. No Christian would willingly give the devil even a toehold into their lives but both taking offense or feeling justified can throw open the front door.

*** Have you ever considered what You consider as the desired behavior about being a ‘friend’? What do you need/want from a friend relationship? Do you also exemplify these behaviors or are they one-sided?

***The BIG Awkward
At least that’s what I call it. It’s the time after you did/said something requiring an apology. You apologized and hopefully restored what was damaged. But now it’s the first time getting together (whether just the 2 of you, or more) … now how do you act? As if nothing had happened? (good luck on that one) Not being so much yourself? (again, good luck on that one). Some of what to do is based on what the other person does. And no, that shouldn’t dictate – though it might be a basis for understanding.

I do think that the only proactive response is to… move on. Bringing it up again, generally as an apology, really does little for movement and often only causes embarrassment for all. Besides the offender rarely likes to be reminded of ‘that’ time and the offend-ee rarely wants a rehash. Remember… we all do/say stupid, hurtful, things and what’s the purpose?

***Head Knowledge… Heart Action
There’s a difference between knowledge and action in both our head and heart. I know everyone knows this. Do they? Is this individually define, described? Never assume a universal definition.
Next there’s the issue of leadership: who leads? Head? Heart?

*** We all go through seasons… sometimes the same season more than once. So, what season are you in? Have you been in it long? Do you want to stay? In the end… you have the power and authority over your seasons, not your seasons over you. Granted seasons have a purpose. What’s the purpose of your current season?

*** Do you apologize for who you are? no? then do you apologize for what you did, said, are (that didn’t need an apology)? If so, then you are apologizing for who you are. ‘What!?’ do I hear you say? Think about it! What you do and say IS who you are! And yes you do ‘bad’ things but the point is… what do you apologize for – your Who, your What, your Why?

*** Do you like yourself? Maybe not all of the words and actions, but down deep… do you like you? If so – excellent! If not…… why? First, we all sin, we all make mistakes, we all act and do ‘things’ that later we regret. You do know that if you have done harm to someone you can apologize to them… yes? And you have 1 John 1:9 that shows you can go to the Lord with those sins and mistakes… yes?So what’s remaining? CHANGE. You do have it within your power and authority to change. It may not be easy, but growth, change, improvement is always in your wheelhouse.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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