What is our identity? Who is the you that you present to the world? … And does your presentation match at all who you think you are? What’s your identity based on or in? First… are you a Christian? Have you accepted the free gift of salvation that Jesus has already purchased for all of us… and that does include you? Have you shared with anyone that you have accepted and made (2 different actions) Jesus as your Lord? If your answer to the last question is ‘Yes’ then you can find your answers for the previous questions. 

There’s an excellent book by Paul D. Tripp called LEAD, and in this book is a chapter on Identity. While the book is directed toward the leaders in the church, I think it should be required reading for us all who are called to a church (that would be all of us) and thus have responsibilities for being involved in the life of the church and act in our gifting (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians) to build the body (which, again, is all of us).

I am going to provide you with a portion of his study and the salient points:

      Scripture – – –  Identity

2 Corinthians 5:17 – – – A NEW creation
1 Peter 2:9 – – – Chosen, Holy nation, God’s special possession
Galatians 2:20 – – – Faith in the Son of God
John 15:15 – – – Friend
John 1:12 – – – Child of God
Romans 8:16-17 – – – Heir, Co-heir with Christ
Colossians 3:3 – – – Dead to this world, Hidden in Christ
Galatians 3:26 – – – Reborn, Children of God
Romans 8:1 – – – NOT condemned
Philippians 3:20 – – – Citizen of Heaven
1 Corinthians 12:27 – – – Part of the Body of Christ – with a special purpose & function
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – – – Temple of the Holy Spirit, bought at a price   
Ephesians 2:10  – – – God’s own workmanship, ready for good works
Ephesians 4:24  – – – Regenerated, renewed

I think we are indebted to Tripp for having taken the time to share with us his findings about our identity. I also believe that this is not an exhaustive list. And, we should read these scriptures from the Amplified Bible as well as The Message … and any other versions. Reading the scripture from more than one version allows us to expand what we are reading. It is crucial that we see what is said from the source (Bible). One bottom line benefit is that when we read and see and Apply what we know, our faith increases as does our confidence.

One bottom line benefit is that when we read and see and Apply what we know, our faith increases as does our confidence. However, I do believe this doesn’t happen TO us, it’s when we put off the old man and put on the new that we are able to become all that we can be. We need to make this ours by accepting these marvelous gifts of identity.

This is a NOW, not then identity. And just look at the expansiveness of our identity. It’s not that we are born this way, but we can choose to be reborn and if so, this is who we become. My only caveat on this is that once we see and understand then we need to decide what WE are going to do with this understanding. Remember… once you know, you can’t unknow. Ohhh… but what a fruitful adventure awaits us!

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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