
Are you? Would you use this word to describe who you are? Firstly… what is YOUR definition? Webster: sadly, Webster defines this word too by its own word, “… having or characterized by courage.” Helpful, yes? The synonyms are adjectives that expand our understanding such as: bold, brave, dauntless, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, valiant, etc. But we really don’t know, unless we’ve personally experienced it, the flavor and essence of courageous. But… does this enhance our understanding or provide a context?

Scriptural definition (

   Hebrew chazaq, “to show oneself strong” (Numbers 13:202 Samuel 10:12;   Psalms 27:1431:24Isaiah 41:6); ruach, “spirit,” “animus” (Joshua 2:11 the King James Version); ‘amats, “to be alert” (physically and mentally), “to be agile,” “quick,” “energetic” (Deuteronomy 31:6,7,23; Joshua 1:6,9,1810:251 Chronicles 22:1328:20); lebhabh, “the heart,” and figuratively, “person,” “spirit” (Daniel 11:25); Greek tharsos, “cheer” Acts 28:15). A virtue highly esteemed among all nations, one of the four chief “natural” (cardinal) virtues (The Wisdom of Solomon 8:7), while cowardice ranks as one of the mortal sins (Ecclesiasticus 2:12,13; Revelation 21:8). 

This gives us a great deal more insight: show oneself strong, to be alert, a virtue highly esteemed. Noting that the opposite of courageous, cowardice, and is one of the mortal sins also gives further understanding.

Looking at those adjectives, how do you ‘rank’ yourself? Or do you take a stand that it depends on the situation? But, how can you be courageous in one situation and a coward in another? Makes no sense. This is a quality, a characteristic that should be embraced and visible. While most people would probably not consider themselves as cowards, do you compromise your stand? And if so, why? Why would you compromise someone or something that you believe in? And does this contradict a status of coward?

For me, the scripture in Joshua (1:1-10) always brings to mind that courageous is something WE do. Look at the final statement God makes (v.10)

   “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

There are do’s and don’t’s in this verse – BE strong and courageous, do NOT be afraid, discouraged. Courageous is what we do, are but we are not alone in this… for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Obviously, if we are asked to do/be something it IS something we can do. And look at the promise – the Lord’s presence.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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