Flourish! Not just survive.

   “I have come that they might have life, and life more abundantly.” 
    (John 10:10)

Does ‘abundantly’ describe your life? Do you even have a definition of abundant so you would know it if you have it? And equally important – what you need to do to be in what Jesus described as the abundant life? So the real question is – do you know what Jesus meant by ‘abundant’ life? Do you believe that you are part of the ‘they’? It really does start there – you must, regardless of the circumstances, believe that abundant is meant for you.

Let’s dispel one potentially irrelevant consideration. Abundant is not defined by or limited to your circumstances, especially your finances. Admittedly since we live in this world of money, finances is part but it should never be the only or the predominant basis of defining abundant. One definition that I read that I like is:  

   “‘Abundant life’ refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength
    for mind, body, and soul.”

The King James dictionary states:

   “Abundant, a. Plentiful; in great quantity; fully sufficient; as an abundant
    supply. In scripture, abounding, having in great quantity; overflowing

Now… what do we do with and about these definitions? Do they help us with our understanding and application? There is one scripture that does provide a fuller basis to apply our understanding.

   “Where sin abounded (by its increase) grace abounded more exceedingly
    (was rich beyond measure).” (Romans 5:20)

To me, this shows that the negatives of life are trumped by the positives when we apply abundant to become our foundation to overcome those ‘things’ in our lives that are of the ‘old man’ and not the newly created one. All of this is based in our relationship with our Lord.

Flourish is to survive as abundant is to want. When we live according to the Word and how it helps us to grow and understand then we flourish. Survival is knowing but rarely applying the understanding. We can either believe or choose to look at life based on ‘reality’. We can know Who we believe and Whose we are and live our lives on this foundation or we can attempt to ‘ride out the storms of life’ on shifting sands.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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