Never close the door!?

It in not necessarily the end… it may be a new beginning. This is, obviously, a different kind of mindset. Do you ever feel that you’ve plumbed the depths of (fill in the blank)? That you know and understand and can properly apply all that you need to know – in terms of the particular subject/topic? Perhaps… in some very simple ‘areas’ but don’t assume you do know it all, that you can move on because you’ve plumbed all that can be discovered. For me, I’ve discovered deeper appreciation or more applications on certain ‘subjects’ that I thought were done and dusted. And when it comes to people – never one-dimensional-ize, or even two, who they are and are becoming.

I’m honestly never certain that an end is an actual end. The primary way I have approached this conundrum is to attempt to understand if I know everything I need to know about (fill in the blank) and still leave an open door for further understanding on a different or deeper level. At some point, whether it is a ‘The End’ or not, we have to move on. But, ‘Moving on’ should never be confused with The End. Though I think we all tend to do this.

Why should we be concerned about this ‘topic’? Partially because I believe that anything we do that limits what we can learn and apply is not a path to follow. When we limit one subject, we do this as a pattern for all areas in our lives. Wrong? Don’t think so – look at your own life and manner of learning, you do see your pattern/methodology don’t you? Because of all the pressures of living that we experience today, because of our typically over stacked plates, don’t we all adapt this approach – if for no other reason than trying to do all that we (or others) expect from us?

Perhaps the point (by way of analogy) I’m making is that though we may be at the end of the book and have read the last word, there’s always new things to discover. Never throw a book away… you may want to return to it at a later time.  

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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