You get what you settle for…

So… what do You settle for? OK? The very best? Less than what you need? What you see that’s available? Demand more? I could go on with the questions, but the point is – do you settle? Does it depend on the focus? What is your basis, your standard when you do settle? How does ‘settling’ make you feel, especially about yourself? And again, a host of questions.

Why am I bringing this subject up? Because we face countless decisions daily and having a ‘bad taste in the mouth’ after the decision is made is never comfortable. We all do settle at times, sometimes to regret later. But why do we settle? To move on? To act rather than continuing to wait? Those are two of my prime reasons. However, it never is an easy method to utilize. But the bottom line is that we all have to live with the consequences of our decisions – good, bad, and in between. 

This last point is what is the most important. HOW we go about living with our decisions, regardless of how we got to or what we did with the decision. Feeling bitter never works – it is what it is. If you prematurely ‘settled’ then you need to start where you are and work to get to where you want to be. Actually, that’s always the best policy regardless if the decision was good/bad/in between. Once the decision is acted upon then looking to ‘what might have been’ rarely is healthy. If there is redemption – then work toward this. If it is an ‘is’ then move beyond – and I do realize that’s never easy.

‘Settling’ is never comfortable because we all tend to hold out a hope that what we truly want is available… eventually. Can we afford an ‘eventually’? If so, then contain your moving on. If not, then accept a new paradigm and make it yours. Life is not in a vacuum, it is not static and even if you think you can wait – it won’t. Therefore, you also have to factor in what you win and lose by waiting… or accepting what you have. 

Never view decisions as a burden but look at them as a challenge and an adventure. Much better perspective… especially when you get what you settle for.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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